Logan County Treasurer | Logan County, Ohio

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What is a delinquent tax foreclosure?
A tax foreclosure is a lawsuit against the property (and its last known owners) for payment of certified delinquent property taxes filed on behalf of the Treasurer. Why does the County foreclose on delinquent properties? Logan County collects property taxes on behalf of municipalities, school districts, libraries and townships as well as other entities which are levy-funded. These entities rely on property tax to support their operations. The foreclosure process allows the County to recoup delinquent taxes to continue funding essential services, and helps to address issues of blight and abandoned property as well as nuisances. When are notices sent? Delinquent tax bills are usually mailed in September and the Auditor publishes certified lists in the newspaper annually in October. The Prosecutor is not required to give additional notice, but generally will mail a letter to the last known owner once a property has been certified delinquent for 60 days or more. After that, the Prosecutor will order a title exam to identify all parties with an interest in the real estate, who will be named as parties in the foreclosure case. It can take 90-180 days to serve all parties by certified mail or publication before the Prosecutor requests judgment and sheriff sale. What should I do if I have a foreclosure notice? If you receive a letter from the Prosecutor, contact the Treasurer to pay in full or request a payment plan if you are eligible. To apply for a delinquent tax payment plan, you must fill out a Delinquent Tax Payment Plan Application. The Treasurer’s staff will attempt to contact you within five business days from receipt of an application. If a property owner is on an active delinquent tax payment plan and currently making on-time payments on the delinquent amount as well as paying the current taxes due on the property, a foreclosure can be avoided. If a complaint has been filed and you are served by certified mail or publication, you will likely have to pay taxes and court costs in full if you are the owner. There are several steps in the tax foreclosure process which are different from lender and other types of foreclosures. To learn more information, please visit Tax Foreclosure in Ohio

If you are having trouble making your tax payments twice yearly, you may set up Automatic Withdrawl for Real Estate to pay your current taxes monthly in advance.